CLASSIX is a series created to explode our understanding of the ‘classical’ canon through an exploration of Black performance history and dramatic works by Black writers. We define these classic works as plays by authors of African descent from around the world that speak profoundly to the times in which they were written and resonate deeply with our own. CLASSIX engages artists, historians, students, professors, producers and audiences to launch these plays into the public imagination and spark productions worldwide.

Classic Black Texts. At Your Fingertips.
A Black theater history database featuring plays, playwrights and additional resources.

A living library of rarely seen Black classic plays.
CLASSIX engages the larger narrative of Black classical plays through conversations with historians and theatre makers; our educational outreach, our exploration of new writings, critiques, and analysis, and our ever-growing archive of informational database. Learn more about our programs below.
“Writing is a labor of love and also an act of defiance, a way to light a candle in a gale wind.”

Exploring Classical Texts. For This Moment And The Next.